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How to Choose Flea Medicine


Treating and controlling fleas can be disturbing since weeks after the treatment pets are constantly infested once more. It is important to keep your pet on an effective medicine to avoid repeating the treatment cycles too often. There are many brands of medications in the market currently that are difficult to be constantly updated on including their effect on your pets. This article will highlight some options on how to ensure you have the best medication for your pet. There are many factors to choose from to make a sound decision such as; age, genus, health status of the pet, current Pet-Lock treatments the pet may be having and finally the allergies/health effects to the animal.


The most common Pet-Lock flea medication in the market is the tropical medication, also referred to as the spot on product. The second most common medicine is the oral medicine which is also gaining a lot of popularity in the market.  The topical medicine is applied on the neck or between the shoulder blades.  Topical treatment is spread over the pets' body through sweat glands or using a bio adhesive.  It is convenient to use, and once dried the pet can swim or bathed. It is essential to reminder that the medicine should be allowed to dry and keep other pets away as well as kids. Do not use a jagged brush since it can reap of the medicines layer. Some possible side effects of using these products are itching, swelling of the skin, redness or loss of far.


Oral flea treatment is a more effective form of treatment with a rating of 99%, which is 12% more effective than topical treatments   the reason why oral medicine is gaining much popularity is because it is easy to administer than topical treatments and will not leave you with an adhesive mess to clean. The good news is that oral medicine also prevents other harmful pests such as intestinal parasites. Another form of medication is using sprays which can be difficult to apply for complete body coverage. When using sprays the pet should not have a bath, swim or play in the rain. To know more ideas on how to choose the right flea medicine, just check out


Also powders are used for medication by dusting over the body and rubbing into the far. Similarly, it is difficult to have 100% effectiveness and it is important to avoid the animal's nose, eyes and mouth. Powder medication can cause redskin, diarrhea, depression and loss of far. Finally, shampoos can be used to wash fleas and ticks. This is a short term solution for pest treatment measure compared to the other forms of treatment discussed above.

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